OUR projects:
We develop food ingredients for industries and final products for health conscious consumers based on simple natural bio-tech.
Back to microbiome. Back to basics


Awarded in the USA

Leckar is a health food brand based on innovative patented technology for liquid fermented botanicals where all the nutrition qualities (vitamins, minerals, etc.) of the plants are preserved and can be stored for up to 2 years, without using hazardous chemicals or energy and resource intensive processes.

HQ in Denmark

Dynamic Sprouting technology has been invented by CMYK Ingredients in 2020 and transferred to Sprout Dynamics ApS headquartered in Denmark in 2022. Dynamic sprouting innovation is a disruptive technology meant to replace the existing artisanal sprouting, globally. It is a fully industrial, humanless and safe of food hazards, limitlessly scalable technology.

Based in Bulgaria

Dehydration AI-based equipment with data collection units and data processing technologies that can enable the SMEs to master the safety equilibrium and achieve the quality of all plant based products. Nutrition profile, texture, color - all stay in. While "find a brilliant operator" problem is out! - robotic system is build to do the best job.
Driven by impact we address the global demand for affordable, high-quality food ingredients with special consideration for economic, social, environmental and governance outcomes. We stand for sustainability and believe in long-term finite resource management as the key to success and an engine for innovation and growth. Our values are aligned with the SDGs – CMYK Ingredients contributes to 4 SDGs: